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Ties in “Amber Rose”

If your bridesmaids are wearing WATTERS dresses in color “Amber Rose”, then here are some excellent tie choices for the groomsmen

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  • Pattern: Polka Dots
“Amber Rose” by WATTERSAmber Rose is a classic pink color that has a strong portion of red. It is actually similar to most coral hues – making this a very popular dress color for the warmer months of the year. If you are thinking about adding another accent color to this summerly hue then charcoal, golden-tans, silver, ivory and off-white, as well as black are excellent choices.Necktie Matching TipsPink ties look dashing in combination with solid white shirts and either tan or navy jackets. One great way to dress your wedding party using this color: Have the groom wear a solid colored bow tie in amber rose with a solid matching pocket square. The groomsmen would dress slightly less formal by having each wear a slightly different patterned necktie using complementing amber rose colors.