Blue Ties Matching Warm Riviera

The selection of men's ties below is a perfect complement to dresses in “Warm Riviera”. We compared each tie to the “Warm Riviera” fabric swatch to ensure a nice coordination.

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  • Pattern: Polka Dots
More Neckties and Bow Ties in Bright BlueOnly our best complementing ties to the color “warm Riviera” we picked in this selection. We compared a few hundred different blue ties to the actual fabric to ensure a nice match. Not happy with any of the ties above? Then maybe you will find a lucky winner in our assortment of Bright Blue Ties – a collection of over 200 ties in different bright blue shades, different designs, a wide range of fabrics, and even different widths.Get Inspired: Matching Tips for Warm RivieraWarm Riviera is a bright shade of blue that is easily paired with other accent colors. We have a few favorite combinations! For a sea or beach wedding we like a classic white and warm Riviera combination. For summer and spring weddings we love adding a light pastel yellow to the warm Riviera theme, and for the winter we love classic and cool silver.