Solid Color Pocket Squares

Pocket Squares in Solid Colors

Simple, classic, and elegant! If this is the look you are going for then a pocket square in solid color will be the perfect accessory. Below is our entire selection of pocket squares in solid colors many of which are also available as matching necktie, bow tie, ladies scarves, and other accessories for him and her.

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Matching a Solid Colored Pocket Square

Most elegant is the solid white pocket square. It is one of the classic accessories for the formal black tie dress code, and even for elegant business attire, consisting of suit and tie; it is one of the most popular and most classy choices. When matching the pocket square color to an ensemble few things should be considered. First are the other colors on suit, shirt, and especially the necktie. Second, is the dress code. And third are the occasion and the time of the day. As a general good rule though: it is better to show up sligher overdressed than underdressed. Putting effort into how you present yourself will do more good than harm.

Finding Matching Neckties and Bow Ties

Almost all pocket squares listed above are also available as a matching necktie and/or bow tie. Should we carry the matching tie then we will indicate this below the description on the product detail page. In most cases we suggest to shop for the tie first and then accessorize with the matching pocket square.