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Ties Complementing Alfred Angelo’s “Iris”

Below we have selected a collection of our ties that compliment Alfred Angelo's stunning shade of Iris. Each of these ties would be an excellent match for your bridal party.

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More Ties in Lavender, Lilac, and VioletIn addition to our best matches for Iris, we have a large and extensive selection of lavender, lilac and violet neckties. For a wider selection of savvy ties, we encourage you to browse our assortment of purple ties – a collection of almost two hundred neckties and bow ties ranging from light lavender to dark plum-purple in color.Our Favorite Color Combinations for “Iris”Iris is a fabulous wedding hue because of it's femininity and it's versatility. For a vintage inspired aesthetic, we love to see iris paired with soft silvers, grays and shades of pale lilac. The charm and romance of iris is overpowering – thus, making a prefect wedding color. Iris is a stunning shade of purple that has a perennial quality making it a wedding color appropriate for all seasons and all attires.