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Ties Complementing Alfred Angelo’s “Capri Blue”

Are looking for groomsmen ties similar to Alfred Angelo's Capri Blue? Below you will see ties we have personally compared to the Capri Blue swatch and chosen as the best fit to complement your Capri Blue dresses.

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More Ties & Bow Ties in Light BlueWe have over 500 styles/shades of ties in Blue alone. Peruse our selection in our subcategories of Light Blue Ties, Blue Ties, Dark Blue Ties, and Turquoise Ties. We suggest purchasing one of each tie you are interested in to better compare them in person. Once you have made a final decision, send back the other unworn ties for a full refund.Nice Color Combinations for Alfred Angelo's “Capri Blue”Also known as azure, royal blue, electric blue, cobalt, and sapphire, Capri blue is a bright blue that makes a statement. According to Wikipedia, it “resembles the sky on a bright, clear day”. This color looks amazing with a white, cream or gray suit. In fact, is looks dashing and chic when paired with crisp white on white touches. Consider opting for a patterned blue bowtie to make a preppy statement for your preppy, New England beach wedding. Whether you are designing a formal event or a more casual get together, Capri Blue will add a spark to your photographs and create a fun atmosphere.