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Ties Completing Alfred Angelo’s “Coffee Bean”

We realize that trying to find the same shades of fabric from various vendors can be daunting. That's why we have done all of the foot work for you! Below you will find the ties that best complement the Alfred Angelo “Coffee Bean” fabric swatch.

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View All Our Brown Ties Similar to Alfred Angelo's “Coffee Bean”If you did not find exactly what you were looking for, browse our entire selection of brown ties. We have an extensive selection of patterned, paisley, striped, and solid neck ties and bow ties to suit every occasion. We also offer many of our ties in a kids version and extra long version – now your entire wedding party can dress in matching neckties regardless of age or stature.Our Suggested Color Combinations for “Coffee Bean”Alfred Angelo's “Coffee Bean” is a deep, rich chocolate color. At first glance, Coffee Bean seems like it would be a strictly autumn color, however, when paired with certain spring shades, coffee bean can be successfully incorporated into spring and summer weddings. Consider pairing this color with pale pink or sage green.