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Ties Complementing Alfred Angelo’s “Viola”

Looking for men's ties in “Viola” color to complement your bridal color theme? If your bridesmaids are wearing Alfred Angelo dresses in Viola color, then these ties below will be a nice complement for your groomsmen.

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More Purple and Iris Ties Similar to “Viola”Viola by Alfred Angelo is a bright shade of purple. It is a tad brighter than their “Violet” color shade and perfect for any wedding party looking for a lively royal color. Above are only those ties that were the best match to the “Viola” fabric swatch. Not happy with these? Then we got even more choices. Please view our Purple Ties to see our entire line of neckties in purple, lavender, eggplant, violet, iris, plum, wisteria, and more. Besides solid purple ties you will find purple ties with stripes, tartan checks, plaids, skinny width, and more.Our Favorite Accent Colors for “Viola”Too much purple? Then how about accenting your “Viola” wedding theme with some contrasting accent hues? Viola is a bright shade of purple that looks best when contrasted with either a lighter or much darker accent. Typically lighter and livelier accents are chosen for spring and summer weddings while darker accents predominate winter festivities. For the spring and summer we love accenting “Viola” with a light pastel yellow, white, light rose, and champagne. For winter weddings navy and charcoal are great. Looking for a monochromatic theme? Then pairing “Viola” with a darker eggplant purple, or lighter lavender can look lovely.