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Ties & Pocket Squares in “Lilac”

Find ties that suit to the bridal color “Lilac”. Each tie and accessory below is a perfect fit to your Lilac colored bridesmaids dresses. We compared hundreds of lavender and purple ties to the “Lilac” fabric swatch. Here are the best coordinating Lilac ties.

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More Ties Lavender, Iris, Light Purple, and LilacNot finding the perfect Lilac tie for your wedding party from this selection? Then we suggest you browse all our Lavender and Purple Ties – a collection of neckties and bow ties in any shade of purple and lavender imaginable. Besides solid color ties we carry neckties with stripes, checks, paisleys, floral patterns, polka dots, scroll-patterns, knits, and much more. Many of our lavender and purple ties are also available as extra long ties (designed for men above 6 foot 3 inches), kids ties (excellent for ring bearers), and also as coordinating handkerchiefs (perfect compliment with or without boutonniere).Best Complimentary Colors for “Lilac”Lilac is a very light shade of lavender. It is very similar (a tiny bit darker) than “Iris”. Because Lilac is such a light and summery color we suggest to pair it with a darker more contrasting summer color. Excellent accent colors for Lilac are hot pink (such as “Guava” and “Watermelon”), light rose, and dark purples. Below we feature all our ties and pocket squares sorted to complement all of this retailer's popular wedding colors.