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Men’s Ties Matching Donna Morgan’s “Berry Bouquet”

Collection of dark pink ties that is a perfect match to Donna Morgan's “Berry Bouquet” fabric swatch. All ties shown have been matched in person to the actual swatch.

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Donna Morgan's “Berry Bouquet”:Berry Bouquet is a dark pink hue with a slight purple undertone. Other commonly used names for this popular summer color are Fuchsia, Orchid, and Hydrangea. While a rare color for menswear pieces, we at Bows-N-ties created several tie choices that will look perfect for the groom and his men standing next to your bridesmaids dressed in Donna Morgan's dresses in Berry Bouquet. To match this bold tie color we suggest suits in tan and off-white for the spring season, navy for the summer, and stone gray or charcoal for the Fall.