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Men’s Ties in “Soft Lavender”

Looking to match your groomsmen's outfit to bridesmaids' dresses in “Soft Lavender” by J.Crew? Then these soft lavender ties will be excellent. All ties are in stock and will ship within one business day.

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More Ties in Lavender, Violet, Lilac, and Purple“Soft Lavender” by J.Crew is, as the name suggests, a very light shade of lavender. Other suitable names are light wisteria, light orchid, or thistle. Finding perfectly matching ties for this color was a bit tricky, but after going through more than a hundred different purple and lavender ties we found some excellent matches. Should you not like any of these light lavender ties above, then please also view all our Purple & Lavender Ties – an assortment of over a hundred different purple, lilac, lavender, and eggplant colored ties in any design and fabric imaginable. Many of our lavender ties are also available in special sizes made for taller men and kids.Our Suggested Color Combinations for “Soft Lavender”Looking to pair soft lavender with another accent color? Then here are some of our favorite choices: For a classic and elegant look we love to match soft lavender with dark and royal blues such as dark navy. Another formal combination for soft lavender is dark gray and pewter. Dressing your wedding party for summer festivities? Then accenting soft lavender with a bright flamingo pink would be stunning. Seeking an “urban hip” look? Then we love to pair soft lavender with moss green or “mushroom”.