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Ties Complementing Bill Levkoff’s Holly Color

Below is a special selection of ties, picked to compliment Holly colored dresses by Bill Levkoff. Each tie was handpicked to match the exact Holly fabric swatch. Click on your favorite tie.

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Best Accent Hues for Levkoff's Holly GreenLevkoff's “Holly” is a dark shade of winter green. Other common names for this shade are hunter, British green and dark forest green. We also noticed a slight teal undertone in Levkoff's Holly color which reminded us of an Oregon pine forest. Best colors to pair Holly with: off-whites (ivory, cream, and champagne), lavender, light pinks (a nice accent for spring weddings), as well as soft yellows.More Dark Green Ties Similar to levkoff's “Holly” Should none of our suggestions above tickle your fancy, then please also look through all our dark green ties. Please note that above are only those ties which match the actual fabric swatch. We looked through over 200 of our dark green neckties and only handpicked the perfect matches for you.